Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: An Elderly Couple, Maybe?

Here’s the prompt. What are we looking at, here? A couple taking a quiet stroll? Two people on a mission? And what about those animals in the field?

The possibilities abound and we want to read what you see in this picture. Remember, you story should be 100 words, left in the comments here or at your own web home with a link back to us, please.

(Photo Credit: PaelmerPhotoArts on Pixabay)

2 thoughts on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: An Elderly Couple, Maybe?

  1. Phyllis turned toward the field on their right, and James heard his wife give a start.

    “I feel like I’m seeing things. A white cow? We’ve never owned white cows.”

    They kept the same pace along the trail, but for James, everything seemed to slow. There were little hints, almost imperceptable clues. He wanted to ignore them, but the doctor was firm: she would continue to lose her grasp on the present.

    His first instinct was to correct her, to remind her that they bought the new heifer last spring. But he guided her home with a smile.

  2. When they pulled out the photo album they never imagined where their memories would take them. Nostalgia always brings you back, but literally transporting to the past? Unimaginable. Flipping through the pages they explored with the magic of their fingertips the greatest times of their marriage. The usual snapshots of family vacations and kids growing up, although entertaining, not exactly repeat destinations. Where they really wanted to go was where it all started. They hopped through the photograph and entered the field behind the house where they stumbled upon each other more than fifty years ago. Then the adventure began…

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