Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Moonscape, Maybe?

Here is the prompt for the week. I won’t lie to you. I made this week’s challenge a bit tougher than normal, but I think you can handle it! The prompt definitely suggests a certain genre of story, but don’t let yourself feel hemmed in by the obvious choice! Toss that first impulse away and run with what comes to mind next!

As usual, you only get 100 words, left in the comments here or at your own web space with a link back to this post, please! Come and tell us your best story!

(Photo Credit: NASA, whose searchable image and media library is a treasure trove)

(Any comment left on the Phantom Sway site is hereby licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License and may be used under the terms of that license or any later version of a Creative Commons Attribution License.)

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Moonscape, Maybe?

  1. “Alright class, I’m going to pull the curtain. Tell me what you see. Yes Amanda.”
    “That’s a scape Miss.”
    “For now, that’s correct. Well done Amanda. It would be equally correct to refer to this as a vista. You children are the first generation to return from Proxima. We’ll be studying the blue planet from here. Their communications dried up many years ago.”
    “Miss Clawson?”
    “Yes Jimmy.”
    “Those craters tell quite a story.”
    “Yes, you’re quite right Jimmy, but don’t forget to watch the shadows, they hold many secrets too.”
    “Miss Clawson?”
    “Yes Sarah Jane?”
    “Did our ancestors destroy themselves?”

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