Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Another Laundromat, Maybe?

Here is this week’s prompt! It’s been about a year since we saw our last laundromat, which makes it a place worth revisiting. The scene seems rather serene, almost boring, but I’ll bet that isn’t the case. No, I’ll wager you the scene here is not boring at all. You know that, though, don’t you? I see that clever grin! You know quite a bit!

Hey, why not tell us what’s going on here? You have 100 words, which you can put in the comments or at your own web home with a link back to us. Last week’s stories were a ton of fun to read. We’d love another week full of fun tales! Come and share!

(Photo Credit: Ryan McGuire on Pixabay)

(Any comment left on the Phantom Sway site is hereby licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License and may be used under the terms of that license or any later version of a Creative Commons Attribution License.)

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Another Laundromat, Maybe?

  1. Pour yourself an urn of carbohol and pull up a chair. I should not even speak of this once.

    There were boxes that laundered the clothing they wore. Sorcery was commonplace, I suspect. No woman or girl child was moving the boxes in any way!

    I was able to stay hidden from view of the magicians behind a becobwebbed, square thing of hard and cold stuffs… it was no metal.

    A woman dallied with another demon object. The sodden clothing she placed within was made as dry as a thatched roof from hidden devils pouring forth the fires of Hell.

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