Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Light House, Maybe?

Here is your prompt. Pretty, isn’t it? I wonder what might be happening inside that lighthouse or just beyond the distant hills? What body of water does this overlook and of what dangers does it warn? Or is the story not in the building at all but in what is just about to happen? Such potential!

Remember, you only get 100 words to tell you amazing tale, so be clever and wonderful! I know you can be both. I have confidence in you! Put your story in the comments here, please, or at your own web home with a link back to us. We’d be grateful!

(Photo Credit: kg_photography_001 on Pixabay)

(Any comment left on the Phantom Sway site is hereby licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License and may be used under the terms of that license or any later version of a Creative Commons Attribution License.)

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Light House, Maybe?

  1. Here’s my contribution to this week’s prompt, published on Medium – I had fun with this image!

    Byrne Macleod lived alone at the lighthouse for forty years. Every night he lit the torch and watched the dark ocean for ships that never passed the rocky shore.
    “Why stay, Grand Da?” His great-grandson, fisherman’s heir to seas stripped bare, asked each time he rowed over to the island.
    “Someone must wait for them.”
    Great waters rose and receded, wars waged and cities burned with plague while Byrne kept vigil. Through eyes dimmed by salt spray he searched the waves.
    At last they came, the voyagers. The celestial ships hovered overhead, their journey not by sea but by stars.

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