Celebrate Chinese New Year with Eight Famous Rats

January 25th is the new moon day of the first Chinese lunar month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar system.  In other words, Chinese New Year.  This year is the year of the rat.  Here are ten famous rats for the occasion in no particular order.  Only a few of them are evil.

Gong hei fat choy!

1. Templeton

He’s not evil at all, just a self-centered jerk.  I like him.  If it hadn’t been for Templeton’s help, Wilbur would have ended up on a serving platter.

2. Remy

3. Mickey Rat

Robert Armstrong – artist.

4. Ben


5. Ratigan

Hilariously evil.

6. Ratty

A fine chap that Ratty.

7. Rizzo

8. Splinter

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