Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: “Incantation Day”

There’s the prompt (from Pixabay). Here’s a story to prime the pump!

The weather hadn’t been right since the end of the world, thought Cpl. Allen. The rain never stopped. The dead grey sky never changed. The angry ocean bludgeoned the seawall. He pulled the collar of his slicker higher and sighed. The Puzzle Palace stationed him here the day after Incantation Day with orders to watch and report.

Watch what, he had asked.

The sea, they said.

He trudged along the promenade, peering toward the horizon. Maybe they forgot him. Maybe Incantation Day was a hoax. He hoped so.

Behind him, hidden by the downpour, dark shapes crawled over the seawall.

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: “Incantation Day”

  1. Ooooh, I want to know more about Incantation Day and what’s coming from the sea!…here’s mine.

    It was the perfect sniper’s post – a direct view into the parlor. A direct view of his favorite chair, in which he sat every afternoon for tea. It was the perfect day – gray, rainy, everyone concentrating on staying dry. No one was looking at the 30-something woman peeking over the rooftop,waiting for her opportunity. One squeeze and it would be over. She would be rich, and the world would be better off without her cantankerous, greedy grandfather. Suddenly, a click and cold steel at her temple. “You lose. It’s over.” She turned around slowly. “Grandma?”

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