Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Something on the Ground

Here is the prompt, but what could it be? An innocent oil stain on the pavement, an oddly-shaped crack on a frozen pond, or…something else not quite at home in our plane of existence?

We’re running a little late today. The various bugs of flu and sinus crud have hit many of us here at Phantom Sway as they’ve hit some of you as well. But we can get through this, yes? Rest and liquids and a visit to the doctor when necessary instead of staying home and trying to tough it out. And writing.

Since we’re behind schedule, let’s take the whole weekend to write the story. Get your 100 word tale into the comments or at your own web place (with a link back!) by Sunday night. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

2 thoughts on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Something on the Ground

  1. They knew the second they saw him slip beneath the ice that they would have to learn to live without his laughter, his face covered in carrots, his diaper half sagging off the back of his bottom, a bottle in one hand, the other balancing.

    They knew because it was a two hour trip up the mountain in good weather, let alone this freak cold snap.

    By the time EMS arrived, the crack that took him had already frozen over. They saw the man grasping the woman, trying to claw her way through the ice. It was too late now.

  2. We stared at the photos again.
    “It’s back,” he said.
    “No, it can’t be!” I yelled. “We closed all the portals.”
    I looked at the image again, there it was plain as day – an interdimensional portal.
    “Have you told the boss?” I said.
    “Not yet, but he’ll know soon.”
    “How much time do we have?”
    “Not enough,” he said. He was right. He was always right about such things. We needed to get ready to respond to whatever came through. It wouldn’t be pretty.
    We looked at the image as a hand came through and the portal widened.
    “Get ready.”

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