Groovy Friday – Les Girls

It’s Friday!

This week we’re going to look back at the origins of Groovy Friday. About five years ago, I began posting weekly groovy clips to my Facebook timeline, exhorting friends, “It’s Friday! Have a groovy weekend!” Unlike here at Phantom Sway, there were no graphics or gifs or backstories, just the clip and the exhortation.

At that time, one of my favorite clips was this one featuring a Japanese group identified simply as “Les Girls.” It’s only 48 seconds long, but it’s packed with wholesome grooviness. I discovered that a 48 second dose of “Les Girls” was the perfect pick-me-up for a sluggish afternoon. It’s the definition of Groovy Friday. If I could have, I would have shared this with you months ago.

Unfortunately, all copies of this gem were scrubbed from YouTube. I was distraught. I missed “Les Girls” and their mix of solid dance moves, white go-go boots and adorable, coy expressions.

This week I made a broader attempt to locate the clip and, to my delight, I succeeded. I share it with you now.

I don’t know how long this will remain posted to the net. I also don’t know anything about “Les Girls.” Enjoy them while you can.

Have a groovy weekend!

Groovy Friday extra!

Here are “Les Girls” several decades later, performing the same song on a Japanese variety show. I still don’t know anything about them, but they must have been well-known enough to have had nostalgic appeal. They’re older and a little slower, but they sound great and they’re surrounded by lots of dancing girls in go-go boots. Plus there are subtitles so you can sing along.

What’s not to love?


André Dupuy
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