These Songs Will Remind You Exactly Why Aretha Franklin Was and Always Will Be the Undisputed Queen of Soul

The Queen of Soul died Thursday morning at her home in Detroit after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

It is said that the closest thing to being immortal is creating something that lives on long after you’re gone. Aretha Franklin will live on as long as there is music to be heard. Her distinct voice gave birth most prolific girl-power anthems of our time.

Who among us hasn’t furiously lip-synced R-E-S-P-E-C-T in our car while fantasizing about shout-singing it right in the face of our hated boss or neglectful boyfriend?

But Franklin didn’t just give us power anthems. She gave us sultriness in songs like (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman and I Never Loved a Man (The Way That I Love You). 

Of course, the Tennessee-born, Detroit-raised vocalist was also very religious and was just as well know for her gospel cuts as her soul music.

There are a lot better writers doing much more interesting tributes to this royal artist today, so I won’t try to top anyone. She did a lot of stuff, made a lot of ground-breaking music, broke a lot of glass ceilings. I’ll just leave you with what we are all left with from one of the most accomplished, talented artists in the world…her voice.





Kira Allen