The Weekly #Rehash


#RIP Queen of Soul

#TevinCampbell is not dead. He’s just trending on Twitter. Now excuse me while I find the Tevin Campbell station on Pandora and give my kids an education.

#CheaperToKeepHer  Matt Lauer has to pay his soon-to-be-ex wife $20 million

#DragQueen Singer/Broadway legend Stephanie Mills draaaaaaaaagged Sam Smith after he said he’s not a Michael Jackson fan

#Happy60th Birthday to the Queen of Pop! Bitch, you Madonna!


#YouInDangerGirl Chinese Actress Fan Bingbing maybe got caught trying to protect her Hollywood paycheck from the communists and she’s maybe on house arrest and maybe banned from acting. Communism sucks, you guys.

#WhitePrivilege Hollywood can stop lecturing the rest of us about social justice. The top 10 highest paid actresses are all white girls. But hey, they wear ribbons on the red carpet so…they’re down.

#Drunknado Tara Reid is still messy

#Goals Angela Bassett turned 60 and posted a bikini pic and yes I would.

Follow Kira @KiraCreates and listen to her podcast How Inappropriate @HIPods 

Kira Allen