The Weekly #Rehash: Bill Cosby’s Ironic First Meal Edition

#PeasantRoyalty Meghan Markle closed her own car door and half of the British commonwealth nearly passed out from the sight of royalty doing peasant work.

#DancingWithTheFameWhores Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol Palin’s son Tripp has been cast in the new Dancing With the Stars:Juniors. They should rename the show Dancing With the Kids of the Kids of the People You Might Have Heard Of

#OopsHeDidItAgain Britney Spears has been ordered to pay her unemployed ex-husband over $20,000/month in child support. Them kids must be heavy!

#HouseOfBroads The new trailer for a Spacey-less House of Cards came out and Claire has declared that the age of the middle-aged white male is over. That’s a shame. I’ll miss Tom Hanks.

#FavoriteNeighbor Speaking of Tom Hanks, here he is on set as Fred Rogers

#Irony Bill Cosby’s first meal in prison included pudding. Do you think he laughed?

#BabsBlabs Barbara Streisand has released a dis track.

#MommyDearest Real Housewives of Atlanta mannequin Kim Zociak photoshopped her 4-year-old daughter’s butt and made her lips bigger. Stay tuned for her new reality show on Bravo, “Poor Man’s Kris Jenner”.

#SandyIsSeventy Happy Birthday to Olivia Newton John!

#GettingGrey  When Grey’s Anatomy premiered George Bush was still occupying the “LITERALLY HITLER” spot in politics, Prince Charles was planning to marry his mistress and I was wearing a size 2.


Kira Allen