7 of the Scariest Horror Movie Villains of All Time



From the Hellraiser series, Pinhead is surely one of the most identifiable horror villains in the genre.


2.Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes

Bates’ performance as superfan Annie Wilkes elevated Stephen King’s movie adaptation of Misery from a creepy movie to a downright terrifying one.



Candyman, Candyman, Candym….


4.Freddy Krueger

1…2…Freddy’s comin’ for you…3…4…better lock your door. See, you’re humming along already.



Clowns are inherently scary. Tim Curry’s Pennywise was definitely creepy, but Bill Skarsgard’s version of Pennywise in the latest remake of It turned the creepy clown into a terrifying villain for the ages.


6.Hannibal Lecter

It was Anthony Hopkins’ cold calmness that brought an extra layer of terror to this role.



Dolls are scary; scary dolls are scary; evil scary dolls are the scariest.


Kira Allen