The Weekly #Rehash: Kanye In The Sunken Place Edition


#GetOut Kanye West visited the Oval Office to talk about prison/justice reform and everyone is losing their damn minds. The internet is overwhelmed with a collective wailing and gnashing of teeth over Kanye’s Trump-love. Inexplicably, people are bitching that celebrities shouldn’t be mixing with politicians as if Alyssa Milano didn’t just take her perfectly contoured cheekbones to the SCOTUS hearings and Obama didn’t have JayZ and Bey up in his joint when he was president.

#TayTaySays Apparently it’s okay for celebrities to get political as long their politics have been shamed out of them and they’re the right kind of politics. Taylor Swift finally opened her word-hole about politics.

#DeleteYourself Kanye deleted his social media accounts after his Oval Office visit…or more to the point, his wifeager made him delete his social media accounts after his Oval Office visit. We’ll see how long that lasts.

#OscarBait A Star Is Born is getting rave reviews and Gaga is probably going to get an Oscar, or at least nominated.

#RandomRatchedness Random thy name is Lana Del Rey challenging Azealia Banks to a fist fight at her home. Azealia then told Lana she’d burn down her house. Then the four people who care about either of these low-grade celebrities went back to what they were doing because everyone knows these hoes aren’t going to be snatching any wigs. Say it with me….PUB-LIC-ITY FEUD.

#WhiteSavior Alec Baldwin told an interviewer that black people love him and go crazy for him wherever he goes. How very Trumpian of him!

#AnythingForTheOtherSelena Selena Gomez has checked into a treatment facility to deal with some ongoing mental health issues. It’s easy to make fun of the fragility of celebrities but we wish her the best. She’s a talented young lady who probably deals with a lot more pressure than anyone can imagine. Money can solve your bill problems, but it can’t solve your soul problems. Good luck, Selena! We’re rooting for you.

#RebootAllTheThingsPartEleventyBillion Hollywood continues it’s nonstop assault on your childhood with a Pet Sematary reboot.

#SecretVows The daughter of Bush 43 , Barbara Bush got married in “secret” last weekend. Apparently the blushing Bush bride wanted to have the ceremony while her great-grandfather was still able to attend. Was it a “secret” wedding or just a wedding she didn’t choose to splash all over the tabloids?

#RIPBenniferTheSecond Bennifer 2.0 is finally over. After seeing him through another round of rehab, Jennifer Garner has finally signed the divorce papers. It’s a shame. The latest Bennifer was the best Bennifer but these two seem to at least be willing to keep a healthy partnership for the kids, so there’s that. Maybe they’re just Ben-nifer now…hyphenated but still a team.

#MiniMess Verne Troyer died from self-inflicted alcohol poisoning.

#KissFromARubyRose Actress and professional skinny person Ruby Rose is the new Batwoman over at CW and they just released their first promo photo. And it looks very…CW-y.

Kira Allen