Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Lantern, Maybe?

Here is the prompt. What do you see? Is the story in the lamp or how the lamp got there? Was it abandoned or merely placed there for a moment? What of the dust swirling about it?

Tell us your story in precisely 100 words. You can write it in the comments of this post or at your own web place with a link back here, please. We can’t wait to read what you uncover in this picture!

(Photo Credit: Designer-Obst on Pixabay)

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Lantern, Maybe?

  1. The cobblestones have dried since Major General Haversham’s fall upon them last evening. They were left speckled like the feathers of the bird the Americans apparently called a Rhode Island Red. They looked like Malay chickens to myself and my chums from India — but that’s a whole different tale, Inspector. You see, the Major General was conducting the evening watch, in an honorary capacity, when he dropped his lantern and collapsed. The lieutenant who was with him said it was a banshee, or some such prattle. But you can see, in the blood here. Banshees don’t leave footprints, do they?

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