5 Reasons Why Jack Ryan Should Return to The Office

I have watched with an air of detached curiosity as friends, family and occasional frenemies buzzed giddily on social media about Amazon Prime’s new series called Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan. Harrison Ford cemented this character in my psyche decades ago and I was delighted to discover the lead actor of the iconic series ‘The Office” was taking on the character of Jack Ryan.  I cleared time this weekend for a Netflix binge watch session.  It only took one episode for me to share my thoughts on this series.

Season 1 Episode 1:

1. Amazing sales skills of Jack Ryan on display in episode 1. Sparring with his new boss over flagged transactions and offering an SQL query for databases that do not talk to each other. The encounter reminded me of a whip-smart paper product salesman from Scranton, PA.  Jack is a crack CIA analyst and top user in his cubicle set of yellow sticky notes. Clearly, he knows his paper products like my friend from Scranton.

2. I spent the episode waiting for one of his coworkers to discover their stapler in a jello mold. Go on admit it, you did too.

3. Interrupting a private outdoor party with helicopters swooping in to pick up the super duper important analyst, Jim Halpert..sorry..Jack Ryan, because text messaging and paging is so beyond Jack.  The plucking up of Jack by Navy helicopter was timed just as Jack and a girl not named Pam were getting into some heavy flirting. I know, I know, nothing awkwardly over-the-top or contrived about this scene whatsoever. With this spectacle, I wonder the chances of Jack going on a date with Not Pam in a later episode?

4. Repeat after me: Financial analysts do not interrogate – see Dwight Schrute.  When this occurs the photos are leaked to the New York Times and it becomes headline news for months. Jack Ryan should know this and also where to source quality paper products for the reports filed after this episode.

5. Jack Ryan is NOT Jake Ryan. Get a grip, girl!  

I’ll admit the truth makes me feel sad and a bit nostalgic. It may help to write these feelings down on a sticky note. Perhaps Jack Ryan can recommend a supplier?

I finished watching episode 2 and have multiple issues to share.

I’ll leave them for another day and another post.