Love at First Flight: Episode 3

Welcome back to Love at First Flight! We know you have a choice in what you read and appreciate you choosing recaps of this truly bizarre Lifetime show. As we kick off the third episode, the couples are just leaving Nashville.

Ryan and OG Stephanie are still totally aglow because they totally hooked up while they were there (which you know because you read my episode two recap, right?), and they’re excited to see what happens next. “Peace out, Nash.” OG says as she leaves the hotel room.

Other Stephanie has a tude because she’s on time and Michael isn’t “because he’s

Jenna’s face upon finding out they’re going to Sedona.

important.” She thinks that’s probably why he’s single. Jenna, the worst human in the world gets a text saying that they can switch out they’re cowboy boots for hiking boots because they’re headed to Sedona. Cale is excited about it and Jenna, predictably, makes a face and says “but I hate boots. And hot weather.” Alma is concerned that Mike isn’t opening up enough. Come on, Alma, you’ve known each other a week.

I’m surprised that Sedona is the next destination. This show is supposed to take place over a month. It’s taking one week to get from New York City to Arizona and then, apparently, three to get from there to California? I find that odd. Shouldn’t the next stop be, like, Chicago so Jenna can complain about the cold or Denver so she can complain about the altitude?

OG Stephanie is getting over her fear of flying and says that it’s largely due to Ryan being so dreamy. “I do think I could be falling in love” she tells the camera instead of Ryan. 

In the morning, Jenna and Cale have to go on a hike where they will meet their shaman and spiritual guide. I thought she would be a jerk about it, but she’s being a good sport. Alma and Mike get a text that their ride is parked at L37, and that brings them to an airport. OG Stephanie and Ryan have to go golfing, and she hates golf. He is stoked, though. Other Stephanie wants to drive, a thing that came up in the first episode. In her on-camera interview, she says that she wants Michael to open up to her. “Any time now would be a great time to say ‘I think you’re beautiful and awesome.” she says. Um ok then. Their challenge involves desserts and Other Stephanie is yelling at him about his navigation skills. Remember, the challenge in each city determines where they sleep. If they work together and succeed, they get luxury accommodations for the night.

Jenna and Cale have completed their hike and are meeting their shaman Rohelio, who has a message from the spirits. It says that their accommodations for the night depend on how they do today, so it kind of seems like the spirits are in touch with the producers, but who am I to question these things? Rohelio goes ahead with the blessing ceremony, trying to quiet their minds. They nailed it and get to stay in the lap of luxury tonight.

Other Stephanie and Michael are at an ice cream parlor. They have to help to set up and host a birthday party for 20 kids. OS is screaming internally, but Michael feels

OS is displeased with her challenge.

comfortable with kids, and she thinks this is a good chance for him to show her that he’ll be a hands-on dad. Michael is so good with the kids, OS not so much. Or, as she puts it “Michael is very hands on, that’s not something I am.” The kids vote that they did a good job together, though, so they win their challenge.

OG Stephanie is very upset about her outfit and says “I feel like I just walked out of a gummy bear commercial,” a comment that makes absolutely no sense to me. Does that make sense to you? They get to the golf course, and there is a soccer ball. Ryan tells her they’re playing foot golf, which also makes no sense to me. OG Stephanie has never heard of it, either. So, they have to kick the soccer ball into the holes and have to score under 70 to get to stay at the resort for the night. “I’m such a baby,” Stephanie says in her interview, “if I don’t want to do something, I don’t want to do something and I can’t lie about it.” She then proceeds to demonstrate this, despite Ryan trying to be positive. He’s getting frustrated and, now, they’ve failed the challenge. He still wants to finish out the round “for integrity” and she just wants to leave. They ended up with an 80 and did finish out the round. By the end, OG Stephanie had even come around and they were having some fun. Because of that, they even got to stay in the winners’ suite. Not sure how I feel about that. Ryan kisses her and says “you taste like IPA, and that’s surprising because that was my beer.” “I drank all your beer.” She replies.

Alma and Mike are going into a tiny airplane over the Grand Canyon, and Mike is just happy they don’t have to skydive. After the flight, they’re hiking a cavern. Well, not so much hiking as crawling and it turns out Mike has a fear of being buried alive. I would actually freak out in this place, and Mike is starting to panic but trying to hide it so Alma doesn’t get nervous. It’s sweet how they’re taking turns supporting each other. Good job, you two. When she got through, she…meowed at him? It was super weird. So, anyway, they did it, but the problem is that their reward is staying in an underground suite in a cavern and they both hate it.

Cale is still trying to be a decent human being to Jenna. Over a bottle of wine, he tells her that opening up is difficult for him and she pressures him to. So he shares some stuff about his childhood and friendships. She kind of minimized it and then told the camera that she thought he was only doing it because she wanted him to. Jenna, that’s actually a valid reason for him to do it, you shrew. “I’m sick of the surface bullsh*t,” she tells him, “I can only do that for so long.” They have known each other for 8 days, and he just opened up to her. He finally gets mad at her. He tells her she is rude to people and snaps at him all the time and this is why he doesn’t want to be vulnerable with her. She is indignant.

Mike and Alma are discussing their weird cave quarters. It’s their first night staying the same room (it’s a suite, so they can sleep separately if they so wish), and each is glad they have the other there because they’re not totally comfortable there. Meanwhile, OG Stephanie and Ryan are snkeadng into the pool and hot tub area after hours at their resort. She says that the can feel her guard going down with him and “I’m screwed. I don’t want to get hurt.”

In the morning, Cale is once again trying to look on the bright side and hope things can work out. I don’t know he can be this good of a human. Jenna is off at the crystal store to buy something as an olive branch, something that will make him feel more open. She decided on a rose quartz. The cave-dwellers are having breakfast and really glad they had each other last night. They make it very clear through forced casual conversation that all they did was sleep. When Cale gets back from a run, Jenna is waiting for him. They talk and Jenna decides not to give him the crystal if you’re wondering how dedicated she is to all of this.

OS and Michael are making pottery, and Michael is making everything into sexual innuendo. OS is seriously getting annoyed with him, but won’t tell him why. Super instinct!

OG Stephanie and Ryan are playing corn hole mixed with truth or dare and she’s afraid what they have is just too good to be true. She asks Ryan where he wants to live, a question he was going to ask, too. He wants to stay in the midwest (I was right! He’s from Michigan! I called it!). She says that she wants the guy to come to him. She says her dog is very close to her mom so she wants to be on the east coast. He says he needs green space, not city life. He asks her about Colorado (there are a whole lot of Michigan people in Colorado, so it makes sense to be, but it seems completely random to her). She’s not happy about it. They end up deciding absolutely nothing. And that’s the episode.

What will happen next week?

One thought on “Love at First Flight: Episode 3

  1. Still binge-watching and made it to episode 3. Jenna is still awful. Cale still deserves sainthood, especially since it looked like he apologized for their spat and she didn’t, but that could have been editing. What wasn’t editing was her RBF during his apology. Other Stephanie is a bit full of herself with the “beautiful and awesome” comment thing, and her fantastic decision to say nothing about what was bothering her at the pottery. Considering she said she wasn’t that great at communicating, you’d think she would have been extra attentive to her behaviors and that this would be a red flag to herself. Jury still out on Alma and Mike. Just waiting for what seems to be an inevitable implosion with OG Stephanie and Ryan.

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