Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Pocket Watch, Maybe?

This week’s prompt is a first for us — a picture taken by one of our own! We’re not going to tell you who, because we’re all mysterious like that. Maybe you can use that little bit of secrecy in your story. I mean, why might a shadowy organization of creative geniuses post an original photo but not tell you which one of them took it? Hmmm… Maybe you should look more closely.

Or not. This is your story, right? Remember, 100 words is your limit. Post your story in the comments or at your own web home with a link back here. And, hey, if you do post elsewhere, tag us on our Facebook page. You’ll know where when you see it. If we can, we’ll link right back so more people can read your tale!


UPDATE: Wendy’s story in the comments is pretty good! You can read my entry, “Tick Tock”, at my home place.

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Pocket Watch, Maybe?

  1. The sounds were faint, seemingly all around. Was it language? But wait, the soft whisper of an emotion just seemed to be there. There, just beyond the edge of the sound.
    A breath of concern, a hint of sadness and then nothing. No wait, something is trying to beat. Is this how life starts? What is life?
    Sharp lights, hurting touch and that faint melancholy air.
    “Doctor can you see what’s wrong? Is it alright?” the sound seems to come through.
    “No, I feel the aura but not the life.”
    “Exterminate! Exterminate!” screamed the Dalik miniature hiding in the watch.

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