Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Suitcase, Maybe?

Here is the prompt. Where has this suitcase been? Where is it now? When is it now? Does it have an owner? You tell us the story you see!

Remember, your story should be 100 words on the nose. That’s really the only rule. Give us your best tale right here in the comments or at your own web place with a link back! Feel free to share this post on Facebook as well. The people writers we get, the more wonderful stories we get!

And we’re all about the wonderful stories.

(Photo Credit: Tama66 on Pixabay)

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Suitcase, Maybe?

  1. It was in the shadowy attic corner that he found it. His mother’s suitcase. He opened it and memories spilled over him. How he sifted through his grandmother’s underwear for presents as a child. His mother bringing it home after his grandmother’s unexpected death. She took it, pregnant, full of baby clothes to the hospital, and both came home empty. And to the other hospital when inconsolable afterward. It traveled the world with her, going everywhere he couldn’t. It smelled of her life. After she was gone, the only thing he kept was her empty suitcase stuffed full of memories.

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