Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: An Unscheduled Stop, Maybe?

Here is your prompt. I wonder why this car is stopped here, at this time? What’s up with the driver? Is that even the driver? If that’s not the driver, what happened here?

Tell us in 100 words, either in the comments or at your own web home place with a link back here, please. We’re eager to read your story!

(Photo Credit: xusenru on Pixabay)


UPDATE: Kat is in with a small thriller and Kira’s story is pure delight. Mine is right over here.

5 thoughts on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: An Unscheduled Stop, Maybe?

  1. “Wait!” Simon said as he hopped out, but Shannon followed him. They both stopped, cold sober now, and studied the dent and swath of blood on the bumper. Simon pivoted, retching, and kicked at an object lying at the side of the roadway.
    “Fuck,” he said and stumbled into the brush. Dazed, Shannon shuffled forward, then bent to pick up the small thing. She turned it over in her hands as though memorizing the features or struggling to place it in her memory. She sank onto the rough roadway and the object, a child’s red sneaker, dropped into the grass.

    * Published on Medium at

  2. Moral dilemmas had already played out in her head as she pulled over, headlights on the unmoving young woman. No cell signal, nearly moonless night, enough nearby cover for the woman to be a decoy – more than enough reason to rack her pistol when opened the door. “If you want to go, get in the car now or I’m leaving!”
    Literally crickets. No stirring. She repeated her offer. More crickets. As she safetied the gun, a tremor of the deepest bass sound filled her and the universe. The girl unfroze and appeared in the passenger seat, pale and babbling.
    “Buckle in and the only sound I need to hear are prayers.”

  3. she was babbling. weeping, sobbing…
    “george, ooohhhh, georgiiieeee (waughhhh)…”
    “they all wore light blue scrubs, and carried basketballs, and they all looked like young, handsome George Clooooney, the e.r. doc…except they had aerials…aerials like those snl bees, and, and…like coneheads, in flat nasal monotones,
    they claimed they were from france. ”
    “magnifique!!!” she sighed. “their probes were heaven. best EVER.”
    ‘They’ were winning, hearts, minds, nether regions , no doubt, it was yet
    another abduction. This made over 16,000 just this month in Fresno alone. the aliens were gaining.
    soon, the zombies would be in a struggle for survival, and,
    with the future of mankind at stake, lassie and bonzo were baffled.

  4. At first he thought it was an animal. He slowed then stopped when he saw it was a young woman sitting on the shoulder of the road staring off into space. He debated whether to get involved. Maybe she was a crazy drug addict or had an accomplice hiding ready to jack his car. He had his 3 year old son in the back of the car to think about but he couldn’t just leave her there. He opened the car door so she’d overhear his 9-1-1 call for help. Better to let the cops handle it.

  5. Chubs turns down his radio, flips on his high beams. He may be a self-driving car but he’s no doormat. He’s will not cave to yet another tantrum.
    “Get back in, Sherri. This is ridiculous”. But Sherri just sits there, stubbornly folded in the middle of the road.
    “Sherri, I mean it. I will leave you right here. I mean it!”
    Still nothing.
    “Fine. We’ll stop at Chic-Fil-A…but this is the last time!”
    Sherri springs to life and races back to her seat.
    “Women”, Chubs annoyedly thinks to himself as he continues down the road.

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