Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Some Firemen, Maybe?

Here’s your prompt. This week, for various reason, I thought we’d go with a pair of hot firefighters. Well, I assume they’re hot because of all the steam or smoke around them. But maybe they’re hot for other reasons. Or not at all. Who knows?

You do! You know! This picture carries at least one story and you’re the person to tell it. Give us 100 words worth of your best story to go with this picture, either in the comments here or at your own web home with a link back to us. Give it a try! We’d love to see what you can do.

(Photo Credit: skeeze on Pixabay)

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Some Firemen, Maybe?

  1. From beside the blanket a torn and bloody arm was visible. Cyril could see that the man was wearing the ragged remains of an ARP uniform.
    Th doctor crossed the basement and looked briefly at the motionless man, He reached over and covered the face of the casualty with the brown woollen stretcher blanket. Without even looking at the bearers he simply uttered , ‘Mortuary’, and waved them away.
    The moment was interrupted by the deafening crash of a nearby bomb burst blast. The single electric bulb flickered and a shower of dust fell from the ceiling.
    The doctor turned to Cyril and glanced at the bloody wounds that had ripped off the lower part of his ear and gouged the back of his head.
    ‘We’ve just a few splinters to take out. It shouldn’t take long. We’ll soon patch you up and get you back on on the hoses. I’m sorry but I can’t give you anaesthetic’, he said apologetically, ‘I have orders to keep that for the more serious cases.’
    Extract from ‘At the Fire’s Edge’

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