Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Some Street Music, Maybe?

Here’s the prompt. You know what to do!

Remember, your story should be 100 words on the nose (preferably your own), here in the comments or at your own web home with a link back here. We can’t wait to read what you write!

(Photo Credit: Free-Photos on Pixabay)

3 thoughts on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Some Street Music, Maybe?

  1. His fingers strummed chords drowned by the cacophony of traffic. He frowned at those loud metal cages and the people trapped within. He played until the machines disappeared. Their mechanical roar replaced by laughter and the whispers of lovers strolling hand in hand.

    “Play on Brother!” the huntress called.

    He played until his fingers left bloody tracks on the strings. She smiled at him and kissed his hands.

    “Heal thyself,” she commanded.

    He rose in shining golden light. The music faded, the cars returned with their stink of oil and gasoline, the melody a ghost barely remembered by the passengers.

    © 2018 Terrye Turpin

    Published on Medium at:

  2. Zach had played “Until You” a thousand times, so performing had no effect on his focus. His target had been seen at a nearby restaurant and, according to his source, was wearing a forest green corduroy jacket and aviators with bright blue lenses, which should be easy enough to spot, even in the midday bustle. Zach’s failed career as a singer-songwriter had given him the perfect cover; no one expects a street performer singing for quarters to be a hitman. Bright blue lenses – his target was in sight. It was time to put the guitar away and get to work.

  3. The young Dalek stood quietly as the puny humans passed by. Their mindless to-ing and fro-ing still amused him. The one who didn’t move much intrigued him though.
    This male unit arrived with the star each day and only left when its moon lit the street many hours later.
    Davros, the great grand kin of the Emperor himself, could not hear what the male was doing but assumed it was some form of magic, which required the others to pay chattel for his services.
    But as he watched and learned, one unchanging thought, one intransigent idea dominated……..”exterminate…., EXTERminate…….., EXTERMINATE!”

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