Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Winter Tree, Maybe?

Here’s the prompt. Pretty sparse, eh? Just a tree and a cold, cloudy sky. We bet you can unearth a pretty good story with just that, though. Who might be looking at that tree? Or is it really a tree at all?  Tell us in 100 words exactly, please, either in the comments or at your own web home with a link back to us!

We hope all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving has a wonderful day full of peace, gratitude, and delicious food. Thank you for visiting our little site and for sharing your wonderful stories with us every week. We are grateful for you and can’t wait to delight you more as we careen into 2019!

(Photo Credit: ddzphoto on Pixabay)

One thought on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Winter Tree, Maybe?

  1. Okay, I know what you’re thinking…”it’s just a tree.”
    That’s what I figured until I walked around it and had a gander at the other side. Carved into the bark was a heart with an arrow through it and the names Adam and Eve.
    Well, that got ME thinking.
    Not everyday you find something that both Religion and Science find a use for in their philosophies.
    But there it is, the Tree of Life, planted, by God, in the Garden of Eden,
    then reimagined hundreds of years later by Charles Darwin with a more prosaic purpose in mind.

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