Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Cat, Maybe?

Here’s the prompt. It’s a cat on a car hood. Probably. Most likely. I mean, what else could it be, right? The cat just sat on the hood of the car and that’s that. There couldn’t possibly be anything else going on here, right? Nah. No way!

If you do unearth a story here (and I bet you will), remember that it should be 100 words long, placed lovingly in the comments or at your own web home with a link back here, please! Have at it!

(Photo Credit: Ruwadium on Pixabay)

(Any comment left on the Phantom Sway site is hereby licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License and may be used under the terms of that license or any later version of a Creative Commons Attribution License.)

4 thoughts on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Cat, Maybe?

  1. Charles is an illusimorph. A creature that can change it’s shape at will. As an explorer from another planet Charles tried hard to fit in by changing shape to suit his needs. First he was a London gentleman in a suit , then a boisterous teenager in Los Angeles, a young Japanese lady in Tokyo, A French car salesman, a Russian taxi driver and now finally he is a ginger Tom. This was the persona that he loves best. He often sits on the warm engines of parked cars and basks in the sun, brushes against the legs of kindly old ladies and sleeps wherever it pleases him. If you see a Ginger Tom, please remember that it could be Charles and be kind to him and stroke him. He’s quite content and harmless.

  2. No one knew a thing about it, but I think my grandpa did. When he would come out of his room, the bald top of his head wild and shiny as a just-sprouted petunia, he had that look in his eyes that made you wonder.

    Officially, the police called it was an accident, that no one could have seen what lay around the bend. But most people can’t get over the fact that he was a long-time race car champ — or that, after his car was returned, his beloved tabby cat would never leave the hood. Not even for salmon.

  3. Pekoe had finished his early morning patrol and was waiting for his neighbour when she arrived home from her night shift. As always, being a cat lover, she gently picked him up and placed him on the hood of her car where he would sit until the engine’s heat had dissipated.
    He considered the rest of his day.
    Another neighbour had recently built a garden shed in his backyard and Pekoe had found its tin roof a delightful place to snooze on in the hot afternoon Sun.
    He was rather proud to be the proverbial Cat On…….well, you know!

  4. Your car. A coat of film on the windshield, a blanket of dust on the hood. Was I there?
    Yes. My footprints expose my presence. My paws padded through the dirt upon the aluminum surface, my tail swept gently, but not so much to cover the tracks.
    Why? You sent me outside last night.
    You forgot to let me back in before you snuggled into your warm bed. Don’t worry about me—I found a comfortable spot for sleep.
    You are quite the forgetful one—you also neglected to roll the car window up.
    Enjoy the present on your seat.

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