Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Some Delinquency, Maybe?

Here is the prompt for this week. Good luck! There really is a lot going on here. You will, I think, have to be a bit clever to unearth a story from the chaos. Or maybe you saw something right away. Hmm? Is that it? I see how you are writing your story already.

Remember, you have 100 words, left in the comments here or at your own web place with a link back to us, please. Don’t get carried away. Think quick and start as close to the action as you can. Preferably, start right smack in the middle. Let some of your story rest in the past. Cool? Cool. So share your tale with us, por favor!

(Photo Credit: The Zontar of Venus Blog via André Dupuy)

(Any comment left on the Phantom Sway site is hereby licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License and may be used under the terms of that license or any later version of a Creative Commons Attribution License.)

2 thoughts on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Some Delinquency, Maybe?

  1. I dunno what caused it…the girls were tossing pills and cheap splits of champagne laced with tequila.
    Bobby spilled some tabs of acid into the bottles…the laughing got hysterical, I dropped the top and pointed the ancient sled at the sea…I never even saw the guy, just the fedora landing on the hood.
    Jenny hung over the windscreen, grabbed it, stuck on her head, and waved at the mug now screaming at us.
    Then the shooting started…we laughed til the tears ran…didn’t slow til we hit the beach…silenced by the bruised, rosing and gold dawn

  2. Maria had decided, once and for all, that her father must die and her brother Miguel should be the one to do it. He agreed and so, with their siblings along for the ride, they set about finding the monster.
    Taking Miguel’s four door coupe they drove round the neighbourhood knowing Papa liked his Sunday stroll. After a time, they spotted him crossing the street ahead.
    “Go Miguel, finish it” yelled Maria.
    The car leapt forward but the squeal of tires alerted Don Allesandro
    and he managed to jump at the last second, his hat flying out of his grasp.

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