Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Some Christmas Chocolate, Maybe?

Here’s the prompt. Merry Christmas! I’m pretty sure you can cook up a nice little story where that row of crazy-eyed Santa candies figure prominently. Or maybe not. Maybe they’re in the background and your story is less treat-based.

O come and tell us! Remember, you story should be 100 words, either in the comments or at your web home with a link back here, please. We hope the holiday times have been kind to you so far. See you next week for a New Year’s blowout prompt!

(Photo Credit: LoboStudioHamburg on Pixabay)

3 thoughts on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: Some Christmas Chocolate, Maybe?

  1. For me, the worthiest nightmares don’t fling you out of bed Hollywood style but, rather, leave you half awake and dazed, trying to comprehend what just happened.
    Case in point. I’m in bed last week, two o’clock in the morning, contemplating a Napoleonic regiment of miniature killer Santas marching inexorably toward me, muttering “Ho Ho Ho, Ho Ho Ho” in some hideous three/four time signature.
    My sudden impulse to waltz my way to the bathroom notwithstanding, I eventually decided to purchase several boxes of chocolate figurines which I did the next day.
    Bonaparte’s army was thus vanquished AND digested.

  2. Veronica saw the chocolate Santas on the shelf. She could not reach them, but the precocious child was not deterred.

    “Will you hand me three chocolate Santas?” Veronica asked the clerk. It took every bit of her two hands to hold the three pieces of candy. Pushing the exact change to the cashier, Veronica congratulated herself for remembering to account for the tax.

    “Merry Christmas,” the child handed a Santa to the woman called Homeless Harriet.

    “Where is your mother?”

    “She’s on the Naughty List.” Something about the way the girl replied made Homeless Harriet suddenly question taking the chocolate.

  3. Agent Waters looked at the chocolate Santas his wife had lined up on the counter as she gleefully explained her plan to hide them all over the house for the children to find throughout Christmas break. But Waters couldn’t share her excitement, knowing that The Agency had been putting advanced eavesdropping technology in the wrapping of every chocolate Santa. Christmas listening was best listening. “What do you think?” she asked.

    “I think…”, Waters paused. “…our nation is great, just like her leaders”, he finished as he stared past his confused wife and straight at those nosy, chocolate Santas.

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